
Richard in childhood

Richard in early youth

Richard in early youth

Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1927

President and Mrs Widtsoe, Richard Evans and other missionaries at a conference in Sunderland , England

Early days of broadcasting: Giving the Spoken Word from the LDS Tabernacle

Early days of broadcasting: Covering the International Automobile Speed Runs at the Bonneville Salt Flats

Richard and Alice at approximately the time of their marriage

Richard and Alice at approximately the time of their marriage

Richard with the First Council of Seventy members, 1938

Richard when called to be an apostle

Richard and Alice with sons at time of Richard’s call to apostleship

Quorum of the 12 Apostles in 1953; Richard, the newest member

Photos symbolize the weekly Choir broadcast cycle: Preparing Spoken Word script

Photos symbolize the weekly Choir broadcast cycle: Delivering Spoken Word, stopwatch in hand

Photos symbolize the weekly Choir broadcast cycle: Leaving the Tabernacle after a broadcast

Richard, Alice and family at 1966 Denver Convention at which Richard was inaugurated President of Rotary International

Rotary President Richard Evans with President Lyndon B. Johnson

Meeting the King and Queen and Queen Mothother of Greece, 1966

With Prince Rainer and Princess Grace at reception in palace at Monaco, 1969