Safety--and the Full Living of Life…

August 10, 1958


What follows is not a comment of the kind this hour generally suggests. But that which pertains to people, to their health and happiness, to the full and effective living of life, is a proper subject for any hour. And with all there is of injury to people and to property, and human impairment, and heartbreaking loss of life, safety is a proper and important and pressing subject for any hour. Too frequently our driving seems to reflect the tension of the times, the impatience of people, and sometimes immaturity of mind — and sometimes also seems to suggest that not knowing always were we’re going — or why — we surely want to get there in less time than it should take. The grinding starts, the screeching stops, the crowding and cutting in, the desperate attempts to save thirty seconds — what is it that gives a man at the wheel such confidence in situations in which no one else seems to find much comfort or confidence? What is it that gives a man such seeming assurance and unconcern when lives are in his hands! Somehow in considering safety the word smooth suggests itself: the smooth start, the smooth stop, the moving at a measured pace, relaxed, frictionless, free from anger — the safe and considerate living of life. More than thrills, more than speed, more than saving thirty seconds, we need courtesy and comfort and consideration, and a sobering awareness of the sacredness of life, and a sincere concern for keeping people whole and healthy and unimpaired. Life is sacred. The life of every man is all he has. It is about all of him his family has. And not life only — but every many is entitled to have and to hold his health and full and effective physical functioning. Even the small accident is costly in time, in money, in tempers, perhaps in pain and impairment perhaps even permanent impairment. In all our relationships with others, on the highway, in the home, in all our work, in all recreation, in every activity, we should handle every hazard to life and health and happiness smoothly, considerately, carefully, comfortably, soberly, safely, with an awareness of real responsibility, and never in a manner that would impair another person. The Lord God gave every man his life to live, and safety is more than merely a mechanical matter. It is a matter in which moral and other elements enter in. Let everyone live the fullness of his life.

