God and Unanswered Questions

January 19, 1947


THERE are those who disavow belief in God, because the world in which He is omnipotent does not always seem to us to be managed as well as it might be, and because the children of whom He is the Father have so frequently misconducted themselves. No doubt many who take this position are earnestly sincere. They ask questions for which they find no answers, and they choose therefore to assume that the only One who could answer them does not exist. They ask (as all of us do): Why did this or that have to happen? Why does God permit war? Why does He permit men to do evil? Why does a just man meet misfortune, while an unjust man seemingly prospers? Why did we fail to find the happiness we were looking for or the blessing we were praying for? To satisfy such queries is not easy, but perhaps we can suggest a possible approach with a few further questions: Are our own children always obedient to our wishes? Do we always physically force them to do what we know they ought to do? Or do we allow them some freedom? And in using their freedom do they sometimes get into trouble? Do they ever quarrel with each other? Do they ever accuse us of favoring one against another? Do we always give them what they ask for? Do our answers and decisions always satisfy them? You see, the Lord God has children, too, and has given them their freedom, which at times they mismanage, and so the world and men have their troubles. It is no doubt within His power to force them_but to what purpose? Better to teach them correct principles, open their eyes to the consequences, and permit them their choice. If everyone were in a strait-jacket, if everyone were pulled by puppet strings, how would anyone learn to live? Some questions this will satisfy, some it may not. But despite all that is beyond our present power to answer, we need have no fear of eventual justice and compensation, and eventual understanding of facts, where now we must proceed on faith. We do not deny our parents because we do not always understand them. Then let us not deny God because we do not understand why or how the world got this way.

