The Greatest News--and the Greatest Gift

December 23, 1951


Some wise and well-informed men concluded, on questioning, that the greatest news story in the world would be for someone who had died to return from the realm of death, someone who could testify of his own knowledge that there is individual, everlasting life beyond the grave. Yes, this would be the greatest news today, as it was when it first happened some nineteen centuries since. And if we should think that it would change our lives if it happened today, we have reason enough to let it alter our lives on the evidence that it has happened, as surely as if it were to come at this hour. May we let it rest there as the testimony o f the certainty of our souls, that Jesus the Christ was born and lived and died and rose to live again on earth as witnessed by a multitude of men, as proclaimed by prophets and apostles, and as He himself said, and as the plan and purpose of the Father (whose Only Begotten Son He was) provided that He should to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. And there we leave it as a witness to the world. And now may we turn our attention to the greatest of gifts: Doubtless the greatest gift is everlasting life, with the sweet assurance of endless association with those we love and freedom, and the opportunity for unlimited personal progress, and peace. These would surely be the greatest gifts. And there is yet another that we must mention the gift of faith: Faith to believe; faith in ultimate judgment and justice, faith that those who suffer by the misdeeds of other men will not lose one iota by the acts of others against their innocence; faith that the rising conscience of people will prevail against perfidy; that truth will triumph, that good will overcome evil, that sorrowing hearts will be healed. Faith for youth and for the fullness of their faith, that they may take heart and go forward and live their lives. Faith in the unseen things that are stronger than the tangibles that we can touch. Let this be a time for the faith and repentance which are prerequisites to peace.

