We Are Not Alone…

April 8, 1951


Some men live blessedly long, and richly round out a fullness of years. Some are taken sooner. But no matter how long we are allowed to live in this life, we are all faced with some uncertainties, and we are none of us free from some troubles, some sorrows, some problems and disappointments. We are all faced with actual or possible illness or accident, with misfortune or failure or the fear of failure, and with the troubles of the times. We are sometimes subject to discouragement and depression of spirit. We are all sometimes subject to loss of loved ones—and to a long list of other unwanted intrusions upon our peace and plans and purposes. If we think there are those who are free from all such realities and reverses, it is likely because we don’t know enough about them—because we don’t know what is hidden in their hearts. But fortunately in facing life, we need not be left alone. Fortunately there are the help and the comfort and the counsel of friends and family and others; and fortunately there is help beyond the help of human hands. When, for our troubled hearts and perplexed thoughts and weary searchings, and stubborn ailments and gnawing anxieties we need higher help, there is the sustaining, strengthening power of prayer. It would be terrible to feel alone in life; it would be terrible to face any serious situation without the privilege of approaching Him in whose image men were made and who is mindful of the men He made. In every problem of every passing day in the laboratory and the shop, in the factory and the field, and in the family circle, in the classroom, in the sickroom, in the halls of government and in humble homes, in all our activities and in all extremities, the power of prayer is (or can be) a guiding, enlightening, and lifting force; a source of wisdom beyond the wisdom of the world; a source of comfort, of protection, and of the peace that passeth understanding. Prayer is an approach to Him who gave us life and whose endless power and purpose give us settled assurance that life and time and truth are limitless and everlasting, and that despite all discouragement, all problems, and all perplexities we are not left alone in life.

