One Step Enough for Me…

November 5, 1961


“Most of us ” said an eminent American, “are living under a strain that human nature never was intended to bear.” All people have problems, and some days no doubt the difficulties and discouragement may seem almost unsurmountable. And being much preoccupied with our own problems, we are surprised sometimes to realize the problems and heartaches of others, and the burdens they have to bear. There is sorrow and disappointment in hearts and homes. The fondest plans and hopes of many have had to be abandoned or long delayed. Most of us had have had to reconcile our selves to something less we once wished for. We had to readjust, to gather the threads together and save as much of the pattern as we can, still carry on.

The old, the young, those in-between, all at times have their problems and perplexities. But our opportunity, the obligation, after all, is to do what we have to do a day at a time and not try to carry the whole future before us. Surely we cannot afford to be afrraid to be afraid of everything that ever could or might happen. This suggests a line from “Lead, Kindly Light”: “I do ask to see the distant scene. One step enough for me.”

We cannot see a hundred years or a hundred days or hours ahead, or even tomorrow morning. We must have patience and faith to take the first step we can see, and trust for the next step to show itself, and trust that the Light will never lead us to each obligation and opportunity, knowing that there are plans and purposes and everlasting promise.

“Keep forever on views the momentous value of life.” “The best preparation for the future, is the present well seen to, and the last duty done.” “Let the peace of Good rule in your hearts.” Move forward with faith. Be not afraid.

