These Things That Have Not Failed
January 1, 1970
Because the world has not found peace there are those who say that Christianity has failed, that religion has failed, that idealism has failed, and even that God has failed. To all such let it be said that if a man dies because he refused to do what his physician prescribes it does not prove that the physician was wrong. Long ago the Great Physician prescribed for all of the ills of the world. And because we have taken the prescription only lightly or not at all, it appears that we cannot reasonably complain because the ailments have not been cured. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me−Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain−Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy−Six days shalt thou labor−Honor thy father and thy mother−Thou shalt not kill−Thou shalt not commit adultery−Thou shalt not steal−Thou shalt not bear false witness−Thou shalt not covet−Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”−These things have not failed, but men have failed to heed them−and this is the failure of men−not of God nor of His principles. May Heaven help us and all men to believe and observe those principles which will bring peace and happiness, before we have to pay the penalty of our failure to take the prescription. We know better than we do, and so we are not as safe or happy as we could be.