Vigil of Motherhood

May 11, 1941


“Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother.” This poignant fact, recorded by John the Beloved, brings with it its reminder of the countless number of times the mothers of men have stood by while their songs have gone out to do what they have to do—those mothers who have watched over us from the first breath of life, and before that—and who have given us their love, their understanding, their sweat influence, and their hallowed blessing. The mission of motherhood have always been on of poignant paradoxes, in which are mingled indescribable joy and unavoidable anxiety. In the heart of every mother is a hope that her child will take his place in the world, and yet every mother dreads the day when the baby she once knew becomes a man and goes out to make his own way in the world. There are other heartaches which mothers have. Countless times throughout the generations mothers have been called upon to send their sons into the wars and struggles of the world. Such times increase the anguish of mothers because they know that the hazards of the battle are only a smart part of what is to be feared. To those mothers who will send out sons to face all the varied ways of the world, perhaps this should be said: Since you cannot go with them, you must give them through the years, by the manner of your own life, by sweetness of your own spirit, such standard and strength within their own souls that they will be on guard against all the intentions of evil. And then, when they have left, go with them with your prayers and be with them in your thoughts. Jacob, having left home to travel in a strange land, awoke one night with this awareness: “Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” So may it be our sons. Whenever and wherever they must go, let the prayers of mothers and the example of their lives reach after them—always.

