Words--the "Semblance" And the "Substance"

July 15, 1962


There is timeworn saying, which says: “After all is said and done, there is much more said than done.” “There is so much talking and so little understanding.” We live in a day of many words, much talking, much explaining, and, with it all, much misunderstanding. And while there is much said of true intent, there is much said also to miscolor motives or to mislead men. Words are symbols to teach, to comfort, to counsel, to convey true meanings, true emotions, true motives, and they should not—must not—be allowed to become symbols of deception. On another side of this subject, an eminent American said: …”There is a human tendency to go in for tall talk and generalizations as small as the horizon. It is no strain to stand around the cracker barrel or the soda fountain and solve world problems or the difficulties of some far-off country…And to speculate vaguely and soulfully on ‘whither are we drifting’ puts only a slight burden on the mind. But it is hard work to make specific plans about [specific problems]—the problems of our own hometown, our own business, our own region. That is tough and exacting—but it is the starting point…Strength…rests upon the strength of individuals, communities, and regions… we ought to start close to home…–start with the broader reaches of national and world affairs…What goes on in the home and communities…and not alone what goes on in [far places] …will determine our fate.” Ours is a world of many problems, of many opinions; and we have to listen, to learn, the be patient, to have faith, and to seek to find the truth in all the talk. And in seeking to know the truth seek also to “…know…the men that are to e trusted!” said Carlyle. “Till we know that, what is all our knowledge; …Know the men that are to be trusted.” “After all is said am done, there is much more said than done.” Words—communication—ideas—utterance—all this we need—and we need also much more—for words are never a substitute for work. Along with our words we need to realize results.

