Uncertainty---and Purpose

March 3, 1963


Some years ago in a talk on the problems and uncertainties of youth, Levering Tyson said:

“Not a single one of us knows what the coming months will bring, or what the years immediately ahead hold…. It is my belief therefore that we should first of all show our intelligence by recognizing this uncertainty⎯and that we should recognize it by developing an increasingly intelligent adaptability whereby we can meet whatever does come, with confidence and calmness…and never lose our trust in the wisdom of Almighty God to guide our destiny.”

This is comforting, strengthening, wise counsel: to move ahead with confidence and calmness, recognizing uncertainty, which in some degree is always inevitable, and recognizing also the mindfulness of our Father for us, the power of God to guide us.

No one can deny that we live in a moving sea of uncertainties. But too many, too often, are overly impressed by the uncertainties, by the difficulties, by seeing the negative side. Having a good and useful purpose and pursuing it is among the surest means of meeting uncertainty and indecision.

“There is no road to success,” said Theodore T. Munger, “but through a clear strong purpose.⎯Nothing can take its place.⎯A purpose underlies character, culture, position, attainment of every sort.”

From Carlyle come these well-known words: “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder⎯a waif, a nothing, a no man. Have a purpose in life, and, having it, throw such strength of mind and muscle into your work as God has given you.”

“Some men,” said Dr. Willis R. Whitney, “have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.”

Despite all difficulties and disappointments, despite all indecision and uncertainty, the needs and the opportunities were never greater than they are now, and we need to acquire as much learning as we can and to move ahead with as much accomplishment as we can, and to be increasingly useful and acceptable to ourselves and to him who gave us life and the reason for living.

