Positive Resolutions

January 2, 1966


“Many good resolutions seem to die a natural death after a few days,” said James Francis Cooke. “Why? Largely because those who make them do not have the quality of dogged persistence. Most of our . . . resolutions are negative. People resolve not to overeat, not to smoke, not to drink, not to neglect exercise, not waste money or time, not to stay up late, not to gossip, not to make caustic or hateful remarks. These negative resolutions should give way to positive, optimistic thinking and the determination to do something for someone, or for yourself. The best resolutions to make are positive resolutions.”1 “. . . in most cases [resolutions] are so numerous and so harsh that there is no possibility of their ever being carried out,” said Dr. Smiley Blanton. “In a short time they are broken . . . harsh . . . resolutions . . . tend to make us harsh toward other people . . . It is only when we can be sympathetic with ourselves that we can sympathize with others.”2 “Resolve to do good, to be kind, to think of others,” continued James Francis Cooke, “make each day count and you will find . . . the feeling of firm resolve to bring about happiness and goodness . . . [Do not] look upon the dark side of things, . . . [Do not] fuss about petty annoyances . . . [Do not] complain about unavoidable trifles.”2 “Do not run faster . . . than you have strength . . . “3 Avoid extravagance. Live within your means. Avoid the worry and burden of discouraging debt. Face the facts. Be honest⎯with yourself and others. Improve. Repent. “You cannot run away from a weakness,” said Robert Louis Stevenson. “You must sometime fight it out or perish, and if that be so, why not now and where you stand?”4 Have faith, and be grateful for life; go forward with quiet, sincere consistency.

1 James Francis Cooke, “The Challenging New Year,” Etude, January 1955

2 Smiley Blanton, M.D., “Don’t Make Resolutions!” Hygeia, January 1940

3 Doctrine and Covenants 10:4

4 Robert Louis Stevenson

