Unanswered Yet?…

May 15, 1966


Life is a search for all of us. It is a mixture of problems and accomplishment, of disappointment and hope, of fear and faith. There are times when we have a sense of assurance, and times when we feel frustrated. And there are times when we need the help of others, and times when we know that the help of other men is not enough⎯times when in loss, in loneliness, in trouble, in heartache, we need to know that there is greater wisdom, greater purpose, greater assurance than we have found in our unsatisfied searching. We need to know our very real and everlasting relationship to loved ones, to family, and friends, and to the Father of us all. And when we reach out in our thoughts, our hopes, in our problems, in our prayers, we may find strength and comfort and courage in the assurance of an old and cherished hymn that unanswered questions will be answered and that our prayers and pleadings are heard and heeded:

“Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleaded

In agony of heart these many years?

Does faith begin to fail, is hope departing,

And think you all in vain those falling tears?

Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer;

You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere.

“Unanswered yet? Though when you first presented

This one petition at the Father’s throne,

It seemed you could not wait the time of asking,

So urgent was your heart to make it known.

Tho years have passed since then, do not despair;

The Lord will answer you, sometime, somewhere.”

