To Realize Results…

October 29, 1967


Every one wants happiness, respect, self-approval, but sometimes these are expected without living in a way by which results are realized. Happiness at home comes with consideration and kindness, with deserving the love of loved ones. Happiness and peace come with a quiet conscience, and a quiet conscience comes when it deserves to be quiet. If a person has done what he knows he shouldn’t do, or hasn’t done what he knows he should do, how can he reasonably hope to be happy? How can he be happy if he has to argue with himself inside? There are laws, commandments, causes, consequences. There are ways in which things must be done to realize results, and if we want the product, we must go through the process. There are moral and spiritual laws as much in force as physical laws⎯irrevocable laws upon which all promises are predicated. Every contract is a two-way commitment. Business cannot successfully proceed without fairness and performance on both sides. Marriage is a contract of two parties, though it affects many more. And if we want compatible relationships in marriage we must deserve them. If we want health, we must live the laws of health. As Emerson said in his essay on compensation: “The world looks like a multiplication–table or a mathematical equation, which, turn it how you will, balances itself…. You cannot do wrong without suffering wrong…. Men suffer all their life long, under the foolish superstition that they can be cheated. But it is…impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself.” If we want to realize our highest possibilities, we must be responsible, dependable people. If we want a quiet conscience, we must keep the commandments. There are conditions, and we must meet the conditions if we are to realize the results.

