The High Privilege of Parents…

March 22, 1964


With all the influences there are outside the home, among the most important questions we should consider is the teaching of children within the home⎯not necessarily technical teaching, but principles, attitudes, and standards by which they may make sound decisions, both now and in their later lives. They are exposed to so much contradiction and confusion, so much worldliness, contrasts and comparisons, false standards and the glossing over of evil; they learn so much of the best and the worst of life from so many sources that parents and families must begin early to give them the foundations for choosing right and the benefits and blessings of living with respect for law, and a deep sense of love and loyalty. These are contagious. They come⎯or are caught⎯by example, and they should be so early and so firmly fixed that neither honor nor peace nor a quiet conscience would ever be traded for a passing thrill, a moment of pleasure, or for some cheap sensation. Here and hereafter, life is all we have, and we must teach our children early to be what they ought to be, to do what they ought to do, no matter where they are⎯or where we are⎯for we cannot always be with them or watch them. But they should know that there is a record that is continually, eternally kept, and that there is a watchful eye over them, over all of us, always. This awareness should come early by the example of others, of parents particularly, and teachers too, and from all who have any influence. “The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example,” said Sir Charles Morell. “Is the child seeing honest, true living in those about it?” asked Barnetta Brown. “Or is it hemmed in by pretense and shams?…Are the parents…living their lives so firm, and fine, and fair, and strong that the children reverence [and respect] them? …to live among our children lives so sweet, and pure…so honest, wholesome and unafraid, so true…that evil and wrong…fall away from them…” is the privilege and responsibility of parents. This is a demanding discipline but surely not too much to ask of those to whom God has given the most sacred trust on earth. Who shall learn to live as he should if the example before him is a bad one to follow.

