Some Very Simple Things…

May 14, 1967


We often hear complex explanations for very simple things, and often fail to find the real essence of what it is that makes men, of what it is that matters most. And often it seems we start at the wrong end, as we create more and more agencies and organizations that endeavor earnestly to do what good and wholesome homes should and could do. Homes were given us for caring, for shaping character, for love and loyalty and reverence and respect. To quote: “The test of every religious, political, or educational system [and of every home] is the man it [makes].” And so, our thoughts turn homeward⎯to a simple, humble home, with a faithful, modest mother, living in a simple, honest, uncomplicated way, living a service of love, speaking quietly of honor and duty and virtue. There are blessed memories of saying prayers at mother’s knees and of hearing her say: do your duty, be honest, work, pay your debts, say your prayers, don’t quarrel, don’t gossip, have faith. Many other memories and counsels could be added, but the lessons could scarcely be improved upon, especially not when she lived that kind of life and set that kind of example: do your duty, be honest, work, pay your debts, say your prayers, have faith. Elaborate explanations could be added for solving the complexities and problems of people, but the simple soul-cleansing virtues⎯be clean, be honest, be faithful, be prayerful⎯will serve long, before a better way is found to cleanse the soul, to calm the mind, to give the heart a greater peace and purpose. And so a plea for turning toward the simple things, with a conviction that God lives, that life is purposeful, that there are commandments to keep, virtues to live by, conscience to consider, with the simple assurances that come with the honest living of life.

