When Is Youth? Who Is Youth?

June 28, 1970


So much is said concerning the problems of youth; the education, the attitudes, and actions; the rights and responsibilities; the privileges and possibilities of youth—from all of which come these two questions: When is youth? Who is Youth? Youth is a time we move through swiftly. It isn’t a stopping place for any of us. If we are now young, whatever we expect of youth, or demand for youth—it will soon apply to others and not to us. Youth doesn’t last very long—no more than any other age-and it should neither be an over-privileged segment of society—because at some time it is all of us—as other ages are. And you who are young, however young you are: it won’t be long before you are “older.” And those who follow, will ask you what you have done with your life, as you ask this now of others. Remember, time is crowding you, right now— pushing you through your teens to your twenties, and then your thirties and forties—and so on—sooner than you suppose. The days slip by quite suddenly, as some of us can testify. And almost before you know it, you will be “those who are older.” And how will you look and feel, as you reach the other end—quite suddenly, quite soon. Youth isn’t the permanent property of anyone. It is a corridor we pass through, without lingering very long. There is no stopping place for any of us. And all of us, young or old, should respect each other, at all ages—for our strength is not in a society of segments, but in making the most of the whole length of life. Who is youth? When is youth? Well, it’s forever—but not for any of us always. It isn’t a clique or club in which we can claim perpetual place. It’s time of life we all go through—which for each one doesn’t last very long—a time for learning, for clean living, for responsible action and a record of honor, with self-respect, respect for all others, respect for law, respect for life, with appreciation for the past, for the present, and with preparation and faith for the future. Oh, beloved young friends: Remember life is forever—but youth doesn’t last very long. Live to make memories that will bless the whole length of your life.

