Unless They Practice What They Preach

September 27, 1970


To quote a very simple couplet from a current source: “Parents can tell, but never teach, unless they practice what they preach.”1 This doesn’t apply only to parents, but is true all along the line: Teachers can tell, but never teach, unless they practice what they preach. Neighbors, friends, communities, public officers and private people can tell, but never teach, unless they practice what they preach. And by practicing a double standard we tend to pull young people apart. Parents are responsible for early discipline, and are the first source of influence in society. But from the first time a child toddles in the neighborhood, and form the first day he goes to school, friends, neighbors, teachers and all whom young people look to for leadership, leave their impact and impressions. Consistency in obeying and enforcing the law also leaves its impact and impressions; and the looseness that lets people feel they can get away with breaking the law has its influence also. And so does the matter of doing business, the ethics an honesty of any offer, or any institution. And so does the collective attitude of any community, as to truth, respect, courtesy, cleanliness. And the double standard of offering so-called adult entertainment which is basically indecent, cannot help but have its influence on young people, and on every segment of society. Consistency of standards, truth and decency, honesty and responsibility must begin at home, and be evidence elsewhere also. And if there is winking at the law, if unwholesome practices or products or pornography or malpractice are permitted for some people for some purposes, the adverse influence offsets much wholesome teaching and training. And where there is indifference or looseness publicly or privately there will be confusion on the part of young people, and others also. Parents—teachers—communities—people—publicly or privately—can tell, but never teach, unless they practice what they preach.

1 Arnold Glasow, R.I. Club Bulletin, Graham, Texas

