We Don't Stumble Over Mountains

November 10, 1968


From somewhere comes this old and interesting observation: “We don’t stumble over mountains.” It seems we stumble over small things mostly. It is by small steps and often small decisions that we arrive at where we are. If we were aware of the real reasons for wasted lives, for failures, for unhappy families, we would likely find that small things loom very large.

Serious problems seem to begin with small problems and often at early ages. Homes, families, marriages are broken often by little things, annoyances, lack of thoughtfulness, lack of courtesy and consideration, lack of honesty in little things _ little falsehoods, small deceptions in matters of money. The breaking point may add up to something major and dramatic, but leading to it are small steps: inconsideration, irritations, little indiscretions.

Sometimes people protest their love and loyalty and offer to do almost anything to make amends, but leave the little things undone. There are those who say they would lay down their lives for a cause, but who won’t serve or sacrifice in the small day-to-day duties and discipline. Some have the all or nothing attitude. But life isn’t like that. Those who insist on all or nothing are likely to have little or less.

The years are made of minutes. Life is made of memories, warm and happy memories of small kindnesses and consideration, of courtesy, of constancy, consistency; a mother’s attentive care, a father’s kindliness, a child’s thankfulness; thoughtfulness each day, not grand and rare and obvious outward acts _ not all at once, but small and constant ways as each occasion comes.

If we want happiness with loved ones, and peace, and quiet conscience, we need to learn the little lessons, the small and continuing kindnesses, the constant acts of honesty, the constancy of cleanliness _ not just one big washing.

“We don’t stumble over mountains.” We stumble over small things mostly.

