When People Once Are in the Wrong…

January 12, 1969


“A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it,” said Confucius, “is committing another mistake.” 1 Having in mind that all of us make mistakes, we turn to some further citations:

“Some often repent, yet never reform;” said Bonnell Thornton, “they resemble a man traveling in a dangerous path, who frequently starts and stops, but never turns back.” 2

“Repentance may begin instantly,” observed Henry Ward Beecher, “but reformation often requires a sphere of years.” 3

And from Samuel Johnson: “As long as one lives he will have need of repentance.” 4

Now back to the beginning: “A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.” There is no virtue in postponing repentance to some particular time. There is virtue in repenting in the present _ in doing so this very day. It isn’t ever altogether easy _ and it comes down, finally, to a question of characters _ wanting, willingness, working at it.

If there are mistakes, they can be acknowledged. If there are habits we shouldn’t have, they can begin to be conquered. If, because of us, there are hurt hearts and offended feelings, it is for us to make amends.

Others can encourage. Others can help. But no one else can repent for us. The obligation and the opportunity are ours _ and what we do will determine the difference. And if we don’t repent, if we don’t change direction, we will arrive at whatever end our present attitudes and actions tend to take us. “He who chooses the beginning of a road, chooses the place to which it leads.” 5

“When people once are in the wrong

Each line they add is much too long;

Who fastest walks, but walks astray,

Is only furthest from his way.” 6

A man who has made a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is making another mistake.

1 Confucius

2 Bonnell Thornton (1724-68 Eng. Humorist

3 Henry Ward Beecker (1813-87) Am. Clergy

4 Samuel Johnson (1709-84) Eng. Auth. And lexicographer

5 Author unknown

6 Matthew Prior, Alma

