Speaking Things Which They Ought Not

June 13, 1971


Among the many human faults and failing there is one that seems peculiarly persistent, and that is gossiping – whispering, spreading rumors which travel like a wind-swept fire from ear to ear, and sometimes destroy, without conscience, the good name of a man, the reputation of an institution, or even the pride and confidence of a country.

To speak abusive words in public, to put libelous statements in print, or to bear false witness in court are offenses that can be traced to their source. But to let words loose on a whisper which sweeps from ear to ear, and from lip to lip, and which suggests more than it ways, is in some ways among the worst forms of bearing false witness. And because of our receptiveness to rumor and gossip and our eagerness to be the first to tell something, we perhaps involve ourselves in the spread of what is false and unfounded oftener than we would wish to admit.

“There is nothing that can’t be made worse by telling,” said Terence. “That which passes out of one mouth, passes into a hundred ears.” And Paul spoke of “…tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.” Juvenal in his Satires said:

“And there’s a lust in man no charm can tame

Of loudly publishing his neighbor’s shame;

On eagles’ wings immortal scandals fly,

While virtuous actions are but born and die.”

May heaven keep us from the blight of those who spread rumors, gossip, like seeds and spores on a whispering wind, widely carried beyond recall.

