Have Faith! Go Forward!

February 9, 1969

<No Audio Recording>

On this George Washington week end, thankfully we think upon what is made possible by patriots and honest, hardworking people, past and present − and by Divine Providence. Nowhere in history have so many been so blessed − nowhere in history has any nation shared so much, nor given hope to so many, worldwide− with the right to worship, to work, to speak, to write responsibly, to know the news and so much else besides. It took much to bring all this about − a coming together of time and place, of people and principles. And yet, some might mistakenly suppose that all this would continue without any work or worthiness of ours. But this would be contrary to all the history we have. “How much is all this worth?” asked Daniel Webster. All this − so rare − so precious − so perishable − that every man may have this opportunity to work, to learn, to prepare for life − “to become all he can become,” − to uphold, to live and be protected by law, in truth and dignity and decency − that every man may have the incentive to succeed. O, “let us turn our thoughts to the character of our country,” and not succumb to immorality, sophistry and deception which sometimes seem permissive and approved, but which can only lead to human degradation. We here reaffirm a simple faith, and witness that God lives, and of the everlastingness of life. God grant each one of us to live so as sincerely to respect himself, and others also − to be “free, safe and quiet,” as Seneca said it; to have peace, conviction, courage, a quiet conscience, with the incentive to succeed. O, let this nation, under God, never lose the heritage we have. “My message to you is [this],” said Thomas Edison in his last public utterance, “Be courageous! . . . Be as brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward!”

