
Tell Me,… When Does That Tomorrow of Yours Come…

January 1, 1970


This week we are worried. This week we are crowded. This week we are frantically trying to do some things we have left too long. But next week – next week is going to be different! Next week things will ease up. Next week we shall have time for some of those long-neglected loose ends. Next week we shall be “over the hump” – and then – then – tomorrow – always tomorrow – Tomorrow we shall feel easier. Tomorrow we shall do better. Tomorrow we shall relax. Tomorrow we shall live! But “tell me,” said Marcus Martial some nine-teen centuries ago – “tell me…when does that tomorrow of yours come?” Often it seems that we live for the time when things will be better. But next week of next month isn’t likely to be much different – unless we do something to make it different. This is true for various reasons: It is true because we so often say we will do things that seem easy a few days away – but which are difficult to do when the day comes for doing them. We incur debts and promise to pay. Right now it seems that it would be easy. But the future comes fast when a debt is due. We sometimes neglect our safety and our very salvation. And we explain our failure to do what should be done because, as we say, we haven’t had time. But there isn’t much reason to suppose that there will be any more time next week, or tomorrow, or next year. The difference, if any, will be a difference in what we do with our time. Next week may be better; next year may be better. But it will have a better chance of being better if we do something to make it better. “Tell me…when does that tomorrow of yours come?”

