The Triumph of Principles

July 21, 1940


In thinking upon the accomplishments of the pioneers and patriots of the past, we cannot help pausing in humble acknowledgment of what they did with what they had, and with gratitude for what we have that we wouldn’t have had if they hadn’t offered their all of the preservation of principles the principles of truth and of freedom to follow truth. The sacrifices they made, the courses to which they committed themselves demonstrated their courage and their convictions. They knew that happiness does not come with compromising principles. They knew, as Emerson observed, “Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.”1 Nothing can bring real progress or human happiness but the triumph of principles. And one proof of any principle is what it does for people in their search for happiness. Significantly was it said by our Savior: “By their fruits ye shall know them.”2 After all, this is the demonstration of all truth in science, in business, in education, in religious conviction, in political philosophies, in life”by their fruits ye shall know them.”2 And, as to everything that is offered, we should know what it does for human happiness, what it does for personal peace and progress what it does, not only what it promises or what it purports: not theories that won’t work or convictions that crumble at the first obstacle, or philosophies that fall with the weight of reality, or beliefs that won’t stand the test of life, or weak resolution that straddles every issue. If a man thinks he has a superior faith or philosophy, a superior theory, a superior plan or process or program or purpose, let it be asked what it does, where and when has it worked? Let the fruits of the formula be judged by what it has done for people in terms of personal peace or real progress or enduring happiness. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” “Nothing can bring you peace [or happiness] but the triumph of principles.”

1 Emerson, Self Reliance.

2 Matthew 7:20.

