Some Questions on Personal Peace
February 1, 1948
Sometimes we see people who seem to be “getting away” with violations of law, violations of conscience, violations of every code of right conduct. Often they seem to enjoy the fruits of their false living and false dealing. And we may wonder in our hearts when blind justice is going to open her eyes and do something about it. But the reason we feel this way is because we see only part of the picture. If we knew what went on inside a man who isn’t straight with himself, we wouldn’t trade places with him here or hereafter for all he apparently enjoys. A few questions on this point may be convincing: Do you think any man enjoys peace who has unjustly taken what he has from others? Do you think any man enjoys peace who knows that other men have just cause for hating him? Do you think any man enjoys peace who has pursued his own pleasure in violation of principles he knows to be true? Do you think any man enjoys peace who is leading a double life, who is deceiving those to whom he owes loyalty and faithful performance, or who is trying to serve two masters, one of whom is incompatible with the other? Do you think any man enjoys peace who has broken a law and wonders when the consequences are going to catch up with him? Do you think any man enjoys peace who has contributed to the downfall or degradation of anyone else, no matter what profit or passing pleasure there has been in it for him? And, a final question: What is there in this world that a man can enjoy without peace of mind, peace in his heart, and quiet thoughts? If we think someone is “getting away” with something, it is because we see only part of the picture. And if we could see the complete picture, we wouldn’t want any part of it, even if there were no hereafter, no great Judge of all men, no eternal justice all of which there is. But we don’t have to wait that long. What men do constantly becomes part of them. In Antony’s oration, Shakespeare said: “The evil that men do lives after them.” But to this there could be added an even greater truth: The evil that men do lives with them.