You Are the Window…   October 10, 1971

There is a remarkable sentence from George Bernard Shaw: “Better keep yourself clean and bright,” he said. “You are the window through which you must see the world.”1 As we...

You Can Go On   October 25, 1970

There are many in this world who live heroically in simple, daily, faithful service⎯people often unknown; often unnoticed; often discouraged; sometimes tried and tempted; sometimes feeling they must...

You Can't "Save" Time   April 24, 1949

One of the relentless things about life is that it is passing. Time spends itself no matter what we do with it. It moves at its own pace, and we can’t “save” any part of it. The...

You Can't Go Back   August 8, 1943

Perhaps most of us at times cherish the thought that we would like to go back⎯back to try over⎯or back to enjoy once more the reality of some of our memories. But places long unseen often loom...

You Can't Go Back   October 17, 1948

You May Be Mistaken…   January 13, 1957

We often hear the trite expression that there are always two sides to a subject. And one thing that makes quarrels and misunderstandings and differences so difficult to settle is that so often there...

You Two… Build Your Own Quiet World   August 21, 1966

All things need watching, working at, caring for, and marriage is no exception. Marriage is not something to be indifferently treated or abused, or something that simply takes care of itself....

You…grown Older…   June 29, 1969

“There is an old man up there ahead of you that ought to know. He looks somewhat like you, talks like you, walks like you. He has your nose, your eyes, your chin: and whether he loves you or...

Young People With Problems   May 19, 1968

On the question of law and order, and young people with problems, a panel of internationally eminent law enforcement officers had these significant things to say: that there is about a fifty-fifty...

Young People--and Independence   August 3, 1952

There are periods perhaps in the lives of most young people when they are impatient with counsel and precautions, when they wonder why they have to be responsible to parents, why they cannot have...

Your Children to Whom You Must Relinquish All   February 28, 1971

“Could I climb to the highest place in Athens,” said Socrates, “I would lift up my voice and proclaim: “Fellow citizens, why do ye turn and scrape every stone to gather...

Your Face   June 7, 1970

“God has given you one face,” said Shakespeare, “and you make yourselves another.”1 A face isn’t just features and skin⎯it’s a soul, a mind, a heart put into...

Your Name Is Safe in Our Home   March 8, 1959

“Your name is safe in our home.”1 Do we speak as well of our friends when they are absent as when they are with us? It would sometimes seem hazardous to be absent from some kinds of...

Youth--and Uncertainties and Decisions   May 22, 1960

Decisions are difficult for everyone⎯and perhaps especially for those who are pursuing or finishing their period of preparation: where to work, when to marry, how long to prepare, what commitments...
