As one of the ancient philosophers observed: “where we wish to judge of weights, we do not judge at haphazard; where we wish to judge what is straight and what is crooked, we do not judge at...
Sometimes young people in a venturesome spirit seek to acquire an acquaintance with questionable practices, questionable places, and questionable people not with the idea of becoming involved in any...
Many years ago these two statements on the immortality of man appeared in print. First: “If we neglect the divine… and give ourselves over wholly to the human…we may certainly count upon...
The young people of our day receive much attention. Their needs and their problems are much talked of. Their training, their education, and their care, account for a large part of our income....
We have previously referred to the rate of speed at which men move—to the fact that sixty miles an hour means moving eighty-eight feet in a single second—to the losses that could occur from only a...
Continually there comes before us the question of tolerance. Men, after all, are individuals, and we should find ourselves in hopeless friction without sincere tolerance to allow the give and take...
We often see the familiar picture of parents and teachers pleading with young people to improve themselves, to learn their lessons, to make the most of their lives. And because of this sincere...
“Without fear there are no heroes, only fools. Never stop being afraid.” This was said by one young man to another in a hazardous and dramatic scene. The word “fear” has some...
Sometimes it would be well if we could step aside and see ourselves as if we had never seen us before—and see not only ourselves, but see also the things around us, free from the tired impressions...
We often see people who have lost a loved one, and wonder how they face the future. But they face it because life goes on, and because the fact is there to face. All of us sometime face such...
Where men are concerned, time does what it does quickly. Each hour adds its weight of impression to the total impressions of life. Each day adds some strength to the force of habit. Each week adds...
A gentle, kindly, open communication is one of the essential qualities for the day-to-day understanding of each other and for explaining many moods and avoiding many hurts. There is sometimes need...
“Just outside our door is a day waiting. . .,” wrote Celia Caroline Cole, “. . . a free, glorious spirit wanting to come in and give to us its gifts . . . of joy . . . of kindness...
A much-quoted thought from Victor Hugo is presented for our pondering: “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world,” he said, “and that is an idea whose time has...
There sometimes seems to be a disposition to assume that the lessons which another generation has learned don’t apply to the present. And seemingly on this assumption, young people are often...
On this matter of our supposed emancipation from morality, may we forthrightly reaffirm this fact: that unhappiness, frustration, and impairment of the minds and lives of young and old alike, come...
There come before us some further facets of the question as to how far can a person safely depart from a principle: How far can he go and still get back when he wants to? At what age is character so...
It has often been observed that a little learning is a dangerous thing. But if a little learning is dangerous, surely a little ignorance is dangerous also. And then think how great must be the...