There come to mind at this moment two great gifts. One is Belonging. Imagine the loneliness of not belonging—to someone, to something; not to have an obligation to others, or an interest in them—of...
Some thoughts from Phillips Brooks suggest the benefit and blessing of encouragement and the destructive force of overemphasizing the negative side. “Your child, your scholar, your servant⎯you...
In a rushing, pressuring time, we well would pause to remind ourselves that the purpose of life, the purpose of God is to see that men find their highest happiness, their best accomplishment, their...
We often need an inner searching, of ourselves⎯our lives, our habits, and a searching of our surroundings, with frank and thoughtful appraisal of our own performance. “‘Tis greatly wise...
“Habit,” said Nathaniel Emmons, “is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.” In considering this subject we often emphasize the negative side⎯habit as the...
That we are “creatures of habit” is a commonly accepted comment. But habits are not unalterable. Habits may become deeply fixed upon us, good or bad, but the bad habits, it sometimes...
In Milton’s Paradise Lost Satan has this to say: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” One thing this suggests is the subject of...
Most young people, and older ones also, have talents that are allowed to lie dormant and undeveloped. There are many examples of those who have discovered or developed talents late in life. But how...
In a day such as ours, it is urgently essential that every young person prepare his mind, and improve his skills as fully as he can. There are many studies to prove that, even selfishly and...
Sometimes we complain that we are victims of environment. Sometimes this is so, but not always as much as we may suppose. It is true that environment has much to do with the decisions and actions of...
“It must be the aim of education,” said Winthrop Aldrich, “to teach the citizen that he must first of all rule himself….” The question of self-control is a compelling...
In writing of the aim of education, Dr. David Starr Jordan said: “…more vital than all is the demand for character. The highest function of the university is the formation of character, the...
“In a democracy,” said Winthrop Aldrich, “it must be the aim of education to teach the citizen that he must first of all rule himself, and that in ruling himself he must not forget...
In giving counsel to young men in school, Pasteur said: “Ever since I can remember my life as a man, I do not think I have ever spoken for the first time with a student without saying to...
Concerning work, Mark Twain gave this short incisive sentence: “Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.” “The...
As we see a passing season, we sometimes seem to want to hold it harder to make up for some things we have not done. Sometimes we yearn to recover lost time, to go back to our youth, or some period...
This reminder comes from the Master of mankind: “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Vengeance and revenge, cruelty, and unkindness; a contemptuous attitude, harshly...
To quote a short, significant sentence: “Good men have the fewest fears.” Often we hear it said of someone that he is a good man. It may be meant in many ways, but in all its...
Aside from any definite decisions that we make there are in a sense “indefinite decisions”⎯the tampering with, the flirting with, the neither one thing nor the other sort of situation....