The Meaning of Dignity   October 31, 1965

There is a word in our language not often talked of, but one of much meaning. The word is “dignity.” In dictionary definition it is associated with character and quality, intrinsic...

Liberty and Law   November 7, 1965

“The world no longer has a choice between force and law,” said General Eisenhower, “if civilization is to survive, it must choose the rule of law.” “A free society...

Shrinking Assignments to Our Size   November 14, 1965

From an ancient Greek account we recall the story of Procrustes, who was said to cut men shorter or to stretch them longer to fit the length of his bed. This has been cited often as an example of...

I Stood on the Shoulders of Giants…   November 21, 1965

This thought comes from an ancient Greek source: “A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself.”1 In a sense all of us stand on the shoulders of...

All Else but Dependability   November 28, 1965

As recorded in Genesis, Jacob said of one of his sons: “Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel . . . “1 “In any line of endeavor,” observed another source, “one trait...

The Danger of Indifference   December 5, 1965

“You have before you unlimited possibilities⎯do not wast a moment in indifference,” pleaded one observer on the subject. “Indifference is not wisdom. More often than not it is...

To Be Indifferent…   December 12, 1965

The problems of our time, whatever they are, are partly our problems. Albert Camus expressed this thought in this significant sentence: “Conscious of the fact that I cannot separate myself...

A Gift From One Born Long Ago…   December 19, 1965

“Just outside our door is a day waiting. . .,” wrote Celia Caroline Cole, “. . . a free, glorious spirit wanting to come in and give to us its gifts . . . of joy . . . of kindness...
