On Beginning Where We Are   January 6, 1946

Often when we wish we might be something other than what we are, we don’t seem to know where to begin or how. We fix our eyes upon far goals and sometimes assume that they may be approached...

On Improving Other People   January 13, 1946

Perhaps most of us at times feel a wholesome dissatisfaction with ourselves. But it would seem that we more often feel dissatisfaction and impatience with the faults and failures of others. When we...

Know This--That Every Soul Is Freeā€¦   January 20, 1946

There seems to be an inborn desire in men to have others think as they think, and to believe as they believe. All of us are pleased when others share our views. Certainly in some respects it would...

On Working for a Price and Against a Principle   January 27, 1946

It would be interesting to know how many men devote their lives to working for things they don’t believe in. We raise the question because it is an important factor in success and failure and...

On Being Convincing   February 3, 1946

To live happily and successfully we have to learn how to get along with people. And one important factor in getting along with people is to deserve their confidenceto be convincingly sincere. Then...

On Influencing Our Children   February 10, 1946

When we are dealing with inanimate objects, there may come a precise moment when we can stand back and look at our work and call it finished. But with our children the problem is not so simple. We...

Discipline for Living   February 17, 1946

None of us can count with certainty on any prolonged period of tranquillity. When things seem to be going about as we would have them gowhen at last it seems that we might relax and live according...

The Troubles of Others   February 24, 1946

The inclination to see everything in terms of our own present situation is demonstrated in many ways. When we are warm, it is relatively difficult to remember the bitter penetration of cold. When we...

Flattery   March 3, 1946

To see and to say sincerely complimentary things about others is a gracious custom that does much to make life livable. But, as always, along with the genuine and the good come the counterfeit and...

Protection   March 10, 1946

There are some words that take on cherished meaning for us, some words the very sound of which is sweet to recallso much so, that we are often inclined to accept them at face value, without...

Parents, Children, and Authority   March 17, 1946

Perhaps we had just as well admit to begin with that our authority is sometimes exercised unpredictablysometimes because of prejudice, sometimes because of impatience, sometimes because of whim and...

The Power to Endure   March 24, 1946

We often look upon the troubles of others and wonder how they live through them. We see those who have been suddenly stricken by sorrow, by accident, by some ill-advised action, or by the loss of...

Antidote to Fear   March 31, 1946

The news that continually breaks upon us would unsettle the lives of all of us if we would let it. We are daily exposed to report and counterreport, to opinion and counteropinion, to accusation and...

The Duty to Warn and the Power to Save   April 7, 1946

It is not uncommon to hear an impatient parent deliver an ultimatum to a willful child, perhaps with the familiar threat: “That’s the last time I’m going to tell you.” What...

On Appraising People   April 14, 1946

Consciously or otherwise, we tend to appraise and to classify everyone we see or meet or casually observe. We like their appearance or we do not. We think we would enjoy more of their company or we...

Are Men Immortal?   April 21, 1946

There is no compromising with death. We may differ much in our preparedness to meet it but not in our ability to avoid it. And the prospect would be dark indeed except for the return from death to...

Something for Nothing   April 28, 1946

It is often apparent that we expect much more of other men than we expect of ourselves. Especially do we expect more of those who lead us. Indeed, those who accept the privileges and the obligations...

Work--the Grand Cure   May 5, 1946

“And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?” Surely in some ways it would seem again to be...

Reconciliation With Death   May 26, 1946

There are few of us but who have been touched somehow by death. We may not have been touched closely by it, but sooner or later along our lives, most of us are bereft of someone near and deeply...

Delayed Consequences   June 2, 1946

If consequences were always obvious and immediate, most of us would take our daily performance more seriously. But some of the premiums and penalties for what we do or don’t do are not always...
