It would surely be an understatement to say that all of us make mistakes⎯mistakes sometimes followed by real regrets⎯regrets for things we wish we had said or done, or wish we had not said or done....
Often there comes the question as to why we make mistakes. We are not here referring to the constructive kind of trial and error which is often so essential a part of the learning process, but...
“A thousand ills come in through the open door of unresisted temptation,” said David Starr Jordan. Out of all that is offered, a man has to choose, to make up his mind; and he who lacks...
More than a century ago, Abraham Lincoln recounted a legend that suggests a searching of our pursuits, our surroundings, ourselves. A certain monarch, he said, “once ordered his wise men to...
“We need both flexibility and firmness in their proper place and proportion. More than this, or equally so, we need standards, conviction, strength, and self-control and the judgment to know...
“Through our weakened power or personal judgment we have vacillated for years on the knife-edge of indecision,” said Dr. Foster Kennedy⎯and a vacillating indecision is one of...
Some years ago in a talk on the problems and uncertainties of youth, Levering Tyson said: “Not a single one of us knows what the coming months will bring, or what the years immediately ahead...
Purpose is very important, not only a passing purpose, but a permanent purpose⎯the purpose of life, the purpose of living, the purpose that comes with a conviction of things we can count on⎯a...
The word “broadminded” has such conflicting connotations that, like all words, it can be positive or negative. It can mean a commendable and understanding tolerance, a constructive...
There are extremes in all things, in all directions; extremes of tolerance, of intolerance; extremes of broadmindedness and of narrow-mindedness. And the extreme is almost always hazardous, both in...
Self-respect is one of the absolute essentials for living a sincere and happy life. Self-respect is more than self-approval. It is much more than self-satisfaction. It is much more than self-love....
It is apparent that the pursuits of people often swing like a pendulum, from a far direction one way to a far direction in another; from the underdoing to the overdoing; from lukewarm, lack of...
“Temperance and labor,” said Rousseau, “are the two best physicians; the one sharpens the appetite, the other prevents indulgence to excess.” Temperance and labor⎯these are...
There are excesses of leisure as well as of work. Some overwork, some underwork, and some seemingly work hard at not working at all. To become too leisure-minded could be in itself an unfortunate...
“The mother memories that are closest to my heart,” wrote Margaret Sangster, “are the small genteel ones that I have carried over from the days of my childhood. They aren’t...
An eminent American has this to say on an important subject: “Womanhood today is not necessarily synonymous with motherhood and that is a social tragedy far more serious than we have yet...
We often see people who have lost a loved one, and wonder how they face the future. But they face it because life goes on, and because the fact is there to face. All of us sometime face such...
There are some thoughts that suggest themselves for those who are leaving school to find their future. First, the finishers in life are entitled to some kind of special citation. What a good thing...