The End From the Beginning   January 16, 1944

At this season we recall again one of the pleasant pastimes of our childhood, when we paused with other wide-eyed youngsters to watch the billposter, forerunner of circuses and shows a and other...

For Out of the Heart…   January 30, 1944

Concerning Chaperonage   February 6, 1944

Like fashions and customs in a good many other things, the words of our language come and go. Many times within our generation we have seen words suddenly come into daily usage, and we have seen...

Times Have Changed   February 13, 1944

Whenever anyone speaks of the social precautions which were formerly observed, one is likely to be accused of being Victorian⎯which is another way of saying that the idea is thought to be...

Repetition   February 27, 1944

Perplexed parents frequently become weary with the number of times they have to remind their children of even the simplest precepts and precautions⎯and children sometimes impatiently reply:...

Faith Against Fear   March 5, 1944

If you can strike fear into the heart of a man, you have already gone far toward destroying his effectiveness. Fear is a paralyzer of people and is no doubt a “secret weapon” of Satin...

Fears Born of Real Offense   March 12, 1944

In addition to the false fears that destroy the effectiveness of men (Many of which are vainly imagined and are without substance), it must also be admitted that there are fears which are not...

What Will It Matter a Hundred Years From Now!   March 26, 1944

Sometimes we hear someone shrug off a puzzling or disappointing situation with the comment, “What will it matter a hundred years from now?” This may be just a causal way of by-passing...

The Sights We See   April 16, 1944

Perhaps most of us had the experience of looking down form great heights, or of peering into deep chasms, to find that we seem somehow to be drawn towards the abyss—in our thoughts and feelings, if...

Repentance and Progress   April 23, 1944

Repentance is a subject that is sometimes shunned. But repentance is a very practical principle and plays a very important part in human progress. This is so because, in a sense, no man moves...

The Question of Forgiveness   April 30, 1944

If we make a mistake and sincerely repent we expect to be forgiven. But there are some who seem to expect to be forgiven an unlimited number of times and to have all manner of errors corrected and...

Labels   May 7, 1944

Every generation has its foibles and its practices of self-deception, one of which, certainly, is the mislabeling of things⎯calling them something other than what they are, and hoping that somehow...

Glorifying the Mediocre   May 21, 1944

There comes to mind a three-word phrase—Glorifying the Mediocre—which is indicative of a practice whereby young and old are schooled in a world of unreality. In its mildest forms, in casual...

On Acquiring a Reputation   July 9, 1944

Reputations are built on many factors − some of them seemingly unpredictable. Many men have become known for things for which they would never have chosen to be known. Men of many talents sometimes...

Discovery   July 23, 1944

Legends of discovery ever hold their fascination. Indeed, every age is an age of discovery⎯sometimes the discovery of places where men have never walked before, and sometimes the discovery of things...

Retreat From Clamor   August 13, 1944

Not infrequently one sees the spectacle of a bewildered dog running loose in a crowd, harassed by calls and whistles coming from all directions, in response to which the animal dodges her and there...

Kingdom for a Horse!   August 20, 1944

A line from Shakespeare had Richard III say, “My kingdom for a horse.” This has far-reaching implications in the pattern of human behavior. When a man needs something, or thinks he does,...

On Sparing the Children and Others   August 27, 1944

One of the most difficult tasks that confronts parents is to pass on to their children an appreciation of what has gone into the making of the home they enjoy. Driven by necessity, and through the...

Freedom to Work   September 3, 1944

“What is there illustrious that is not attended by labor?” Thus spoke an ancient philosopher. History does not record, nor does scripture, that the Lord God excepted anyone when He...
