Success Is Never Final… Nor Failure   January 1, 1956

In a sense, “success is never final.” The moment we close the books on one year we open them on another, and compare our performance with the past. In business we look back and compare...

Success--of Quantity and Quality   January 8, 1956

On this question again of success and failure, and of closing the books upon the past, and then of having to turn around and repeat our performance: Life is very much like that⎯always⎯every week,...

We Turn to… "Happiness"…   January 15, 1956

At this time of new beginnings, new purposes, new records, new resolve, we turn a moment to a new subject that is timeworn, yet always timely: the subject of “happiness”⎯which all people...

Again We Turn to Happiness…   January 22, 1956

“There is even happiness,” wrote Thomas Hood, “that makes the heart afraid.” There is a happiness that makes the heart afraid that it won’t last long. Life is...

There Is No Right Way to Do a Wrong Thing   January 29, 1956

Whether we know it or not, whether we recognize it or not, it is still, and always, happiness that we pursue. But with poor decisions or thoughtless acts or utterances, some of us sometimes seem to...

Giving and Taking Counsel and Correction   February 5, 1956

Sometimes there comes a cleavage between people who should be close to each other⎯because of inability either to give or take counsel and criticism and correction kindly. Parents and children are...

On Belonging to a Family   February 19, 1956

One of the very wonderful things of life is a sense of belonging. And one of the most wonderful things to belong to is a loyal and affectionate family—a family who have each their own individual...

In Looking at Our Loved Ones   February 26, 1956

Someone once wrote, “If the stars came out only once a year, the whole world would go out and look at them.” But since they can be seen so easily and so often, we become accustomed to...

As Parents and Children Come to Common Ground   March 4, 1956

It is an odd thing, in a way, how each generation seems to feel that each preceding generation is somewhat old-fashioned—how each generation listens impatiently to the lessons of the past. Youth is...

Of Things Not Seen   March 11, 1956

We should never be content with what we know. But neither should we be cynical about what we don’t know. With a little knowledge, there is always the danger of assuming that what we...

Some Consequences of Quarreling   March 25, 1956

There is an old hymn which could well be quoted often, and oftener remembered: “There is beauty all around, When there’s love at home; There is joy in ev’ry sound, When...

The Love of Light and Learning…   April 8, 1956

Scripture and reason and revelation, as well as the very awareness within us, all attest to man’s eternal continuance. Since this is so, since men are immortal, how should we best use our...

To Be a Slave to Nothing   April 15, 1956

The question of freedom is always before us: what it is—and how much men were meant to have—and how much freedom one can have within the limits of the law. To begin with, we can only conclude that...

Freedom and Conformity   April 22, 1956

Always and ever before us is the question of freedom and force—of what we do willingly, because we want to, and what we do because we feel we must. Freedom and conformity can be much...

This Anxious Load…   April 29, 1956

There comes to mind a stanza of a hymn which has some special meaning for the discouraged and heavyhearted, part of which consists of these two short sentences: “Why should this anxious load...

Who Does His "Fair Share"?   May 6, 1956

There is a sentence from an unidentified author which says in substance: “There is no limit to the good a man can do, if he doesn’t care who gets the credit.” But sometimes the...

Where Is Mother?   May 13, 1956

Two thoughts come sharply through two questions really, almost always asked by children, young or old, when they come home from anywhere at any hour: “Is mother home?” “Where is...

The Momentous Matter of Marriage   May 20, 1956

In the memorable play, Our Town, the philosophizing stage manager speaks these thoughtful lines: “I’m awfully interested in how big things . . . begin. You know how it is: you’re...

Commencement -- a Season of Decision   June 3, 1956

Whenever we arrive anywhere, wherever we are is but a place from which to proceed to the next place. Those who have come to Commencement have arrived at this realization−for life is a process, and...
