The Deeper Kind of Differences…   June 13, 1954

For you who have already made your marriage, there is simply this to be said: Make it work. In marriage there is no ready-made formula for success. It requires character and consideration, honor and...

For Fathers…   June 20, 1954

Much of life is made up of things we think we will one day do: of things we postpone, of things we set aside, of things we leave too late. And one of the things we could best determine to do would...

When to Say It--and When to Be Silent   June 27, 1954

As was observed many centuries ago: There is “a time to every purpose . . . ” And there are times when some things should be said, and times to keep silent. There are times when we are...

Thank God for Freedom   July 4, 1954

May we take a moment from some of the side issues and clear our thoughts and humble our hearts and get down on our knees and simply, fervently, thank God for freedom and then get on our feet with a...

On Getting What We Ask For…   July 11, 1954

No doubt we have all observed children who insist on having something they see right now—something they have their hearts set upon. And for the moment life seems very unhappy if they can’t...

On Influencing Others   July 25, 1954

Fashion is one evidence of the influence people have on other people. Benjamin Franklin said: It seems that there are those “who, perhaps, fear less the being in hell than out of...

Saving Ourselves   August 1, 1954

There is much emphasis these days on “saving” ourselves, at least in a mental and physical sense. Blessedly, we have machines that do the work of millions of men from the moving of...

The Law of Harvest--the Law of Return   August 8, 1954

Here is a simple statement of the law of harvest, of the law of return: “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” In plain, inelegant language, it is the...

Not From Fear…   August 15, 1954

There are many factors that go into the making of men; and some, such as fear and love, are as different as light and darkness. There is a question as to just how much fear can do in the making of a...

Physician, Heal Thyself…   August 22, 1954

One of the challenging statements made by the Master was the one wherein He repeated the proverb: “Physician, heal thyself.” There is an interesting idea that sometimes seems to be...

On Becoming Bored With Work   August 29, 1954

“I thank God each morning, that I can get on the bus and go to work.” Thus a recent thoughtful visitor, explained his blessings with this simple sentence. Simple as it is, or at least...

Do We Have Our Freedom?   September 5, 1954

Perhaps all of us at times have questions concerning freedom—especially you people who feel too closely tied, too closely tethered, and who sometimes seem to feel that freedom should mean the right...

Parents Must Be Parents…   September 12, 1954

Young people often ask: “Why do parents worry so much, and watch us so closely, and repeat so often the same precautions? We are able to take care of ourselves. Why don’t they leave us...

And They Shall Teach Their Children…   October 3, 1954

One of the most moving scenes of sacred writ is the one wherein the Saviour said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for such is the kingdom of heaven.” This,...

Facing Life on Our Feet   October 10, 1954

From all observable evidence, it would appear that man was made for movement—that he was made to face life on his feet, moving working, thinking, growing, solving his problems, and meeting his...

Quick-Triggered Temper   October 17, 1954

It is written in the scriptural record that the Lord God gave man dominion over all the earth.43 But subduing the earth loses much of its meaning unless we also subdue ourselves, our appetites, our...

Concerning Simple Solutions   October 24, 1954

Many centuries ago, Isaiah implied that there would be certain ways marked out for men—marked out so plainly that “wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.” There are many...

A Straight Line…   October 31, 1954

We recall once more the mathematical maxim that “a straight line is the shortest distance between two points.” In a day when so many people find themselves paying a price for forgetting...

On Running Away From Responsibility   November 7, 1954

There are moments when most of us rise above ourselves and our surroundings and sense the glory of service and see beyond the tiresome routine of some of the things we do each day. Those are...

Divorce--a Tradition for Failure   November 14, 1954

There are no two people, however close and compatible, but who could find some occasions of misunderstanding and some causes for annoyance with each other—especially if they become careless and...
