Thanksgiving--the Fruits of Faith   November 21, 1954

In its own way, Thanksgiving is the fruition of faith − with the fruits of the field before us because someone had the faith to plow and plant, and because God gave the increase. So now we have our...

On Beginning to Believe…   November 28, 1954

We hear much concerning the subject of faith: that it will move mountains, that it is the “evidence of things not seen,” that with it all things are possible. And altogether we learn of...

If Thou Knowest It All   December 5, 1954

The Faith Within Us…   December 12, 1954

May we look further for a moment at a conclusion already arrived at: that every man has more faith within himself than he sometimes supposes—not only faith in tangible and touchable factors and...

Between Regret and Gratitude   December 26, 1954

Christmas has come and gone again, and its closeness leads us to a question: Could we not somehow keep the spirit that made Christmas so different a day? For different it was, as we well know. Could...
