The Meaning of Remembrance…   May 26, 1957

Our thoughts have been turned to some words that give much meaning to remembrance, some words by Clara Edwards: Silently into the night I go, Into the starry night of heavenly blue; What matters...

Education--and the Price We Pay   June 2, 1957

Who pays for our education is a question that well could be considered. (And a corollary question, “Who benefits by it?”) Both are a matter of proper concern, with mounting costs to...

What Are Fathers For?…   June 16, 1957

In writing to the question “What Are Fathers Made Of?” Paul Harvey has given us some delightful pictures and impressions: When school grades are not “so good as he thinks they...

Marriage--Duty--and the Ideal of Enduring   June 23, 1957

We have many times been taught⎯or should have been⎯a profound lesson of life: that every ending is but a beginning. In considering the makings of a marriage, earnestly we could wish that all of...

A Step at a Time   June 30, 1957

Of Sameness and Simplicity   July 7, 1957

Often we tell ourselves what we will do tomorrow. But as to today, it comes and goes so swiftly⎯so swiftly that we sometimes wonder if we’re doing much of anything that is solid and...

On Our Own…   July 14, 1957

We once heard a father and his son discussing a situation in which there was some risk⎯not moral risk, but physical risk. The father, as fathers often are, was eager to go ahead. And finally the son...

Never Make Life Smaller   July 21, 1957

We have talked before of the fact that there is no way of endangering ourselves, or doing what we shouldn’t do, without its having its effect on others. Parents and children, brothers and...

The Finishers   July 28, 1957

There comes to mind a subject which, for want of better words, could be called the habit of rearranging⎯that is, rearranging without really resolving⎯such as papers on our desks, clutter in our...

A Turning to Friends and Family   August 4, 1957

Sometimes we may become weary of the sameness of our surroundings and feel that we should like to get away from familiar people and places. But often this is only for a brief time. Often the best...

What Should We Do for a Friend?   August 11, 1957

Aside from loved ones, aside from those close of kin, friendship makes life most meaningful. With friendship nothing is impersonal. Everything is more enjoyed. Everything has greater purpose....

Friendship--and Trust and Confidence   August 18, 1957

We all have to trust others in many matters. We are neither qualified nor able to do all things always for ourselves. We trust other men, because we must. We trust the men who service mechanical...

Safeguarding the Irreplaceably Precious   August 25, 1957

In speaking of the factors of friendship⎯trust and confidence being uppermost among them⎯we come to the conclusion that finding someone who can be trusted is one of the most sincerely satisfying...

What Is a Gentleman…?   September 1, 1957

Our consideration of friendship and confidence and trust leads us to consider what a gentleman is⎯or isn’t. For a word so freely used, it seems that few have defined it. Shakespeare suggested...

May I Have a Minute of Your Time?   September 8, 1957

History is long. The great sweep of time and eternity is long—endlessly long—but the moral life of each of us is not. And whether we live short lives, or long, the years move swiftly—from the freer...

The Little Things…   September 15, 1957

Many years ago, as he was working in a London laboratory, Sir Alexander Fleming observed the retarding action of an unidentified mold on a colony of bacteria. It was a little thing that many might...

The Sum of the Little Things…   September 22, 1957

There is much more to say concerning the little things of life: Men often learn to carry great loads, to carry great weight and worry with calmness and courage—yet lose their tempers at the little...

Freedom and Conformity (New)   September 29, 1957

How much does conformity come into conflict with freedom? How much freedom do we have if we must live according to law? This is a question that young people often wrestle with, even from the...

The Deadlocks of Life   October 6, 1957

We recall these words of William James: “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” This in a sense is...

On Acquiring Memories   October 13, 1957

Cicero’s remarkable essay on old age has in it as much of wisdom for youth as for those who are older: “…the harvest of old age,” he said, “is … the memory and...
