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Are Men Immortal?   April 21, 1946

There is no compromising with death. We may differ much in our preparedness to meet it but not in our ability to avoid it. And the prospect would be dark indeed except for the return from death to...

Something for Nothing   April 28, 1946

It is often apparent that we expect much more of other men than we expect of ourselves. Especially do we expect more of those who lead us. Indeed, those who accept the privileges and the obligations...

Work--the Grand Cure   May 5, 1946

“And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?” Surely in some ways it would seem again to be...

Reconciliation With Death   May 26, 1946

There are few of us but who have been touched somehow by death. We may not have been touched closely by it, but sooner or later along our lives, most of us are bereft of someone near and deeply...

Delayed Consequences   June 2, 1946

If consequences were always obvious and immediate, most of us would take our daily performance more seriously. But some of the premiums and penalties for what we do or don’t do are not always...

On Being Pulled Between Parents   June 9, 1946

WHEN THERE is conflict and confusion at home, it is disheartening and discouraging to parents and children alike. Where such conflict and confusion do exist, there may be many reasons. Among those...

Appraisal of Success   June 16, 1946

THERE are many in life who seem to discover a formula for success, according to their own time and circumstances. Some find it earlier, and some later_and in many different ways, some seemingly with...

On Waiting for Ideal Conditions   June 23, 1946

It is almost always true that we intend to do many things we never get around to doing. There may be many reasons for this. Sometimes we underestimate our capacity and hesitate to begin; sometimes...

On Moving and Changing   July 7, 1946

WE SEE before us a generation on the move. There is much of going back and forth, much of running to and fro_much of seeking new sights, new scenes, new situations; and there are many who always...

On Solving Our Own Problems   July 21, 1946

IN LOOKING back upon the pioneers and pilgrims of all times past, one cannot help being moved by how much they sometimes did with so little, and, by comparison, how little some of us sometimes do...

Success Is Never Final…   July 28, 1946

THERE is a challenging sentence which says that “success is never final.” There are many men who seem to be successful up to a point_and then something happens. Some win honors and...

The Band Wagon   August 4, 1946

THERE is a widespread philosophy which perhaps has always been more or less prevalent, but which sometimes seems to reach epidemic contagion. For want of a better term we identify it in the...

On Getting Along With People   August 11, 1946

One of the most important things in life is learning to get along with the people we have to live with. The question of peace itself—at home and worldwide—revolves around our being able to do just...

What Is Truth?   August 18, 1946

To Youth Leaving Home   August 25, 1946

EACH year many of our youth leave home, some for school and some for other purposes, many, of course, for the first time. And it is not uncommon to hear these youth of ours, in their confidence,...

To Work or Not to Work   September 1, 1946

ONE OF the vital factors in the success or failure of any generation, or of any people, is the attitude which they have toward work. By some, work is looked upon as a privilege and a pleasure; to...

Academic Freedom   September 8, 1946

WE KNOW that in the halls of learning there must be freedom to speak the truth_freedom for the discovery of new truth, freedom for the acceptance of new truth, and also (sometimes overlooked)...

On Hiding Behind Others   September 15, 1946

THERE is a common phrase that is descriptive of one of the most prevalent practices of humankind. In the unbecoming vernacular, we call it “passing the buck.” It is an old and...

On Doing a Good Thing Without Being Told   September 22, 1946

IT IS a source of sincere satisfaction to any parent to have a child who knows how to receive instructions and how to carry them out; to have a son or a daughter who does precisely what he is told...

On Being Wrong and Admitting It   September 29, 1946

THERE is an ancient but ageless statement accredited to Aristotle which says that “Some men are just as firmly convinced of what they think as others are of what they know.”13 Perhaps we...

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