These quoted sentences suggest a subject: “I have no right, by anything I do or say, to demean a human being in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him; it is what he thinks of...
As to people and principles and personal peace, we recall this quotation accredited to a significant source: “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for...
In a few sentences we should like to share some thoughts on physical fitness, on health and happiness. People may perform well despite physical frailties, despite impairments, despite ill health,...
In speaking to an occasion a century or so ago, Rufus Choate left some lines on love of country that seem to have as much of meaning for love of home: “There is a love,” he said,...
In speaking of mothers, of daughters, of wives, we should like to turn a moment or two to the place of women in the world. Of course in some respects it has so greatly shifted—so greatly that...
In considering ideals and objectives, and the sometimes overemphasis on social considerations, and appeals merely to appearance, Ruskin wrote: “The courage or sincerity [of girls is hardly]...
We are mindful these days of young people who are moving into life’s more permanent pursuits. We are mindful also of the many decisions facing those who have completed some part of their...
Concerning men and physical and spiritual discipline, we cite some sentences form John Locke: “Consent to nothing but what may be suitable to the dignity and excellency of a rational...
“Every man must or other be trusted to himself.” Pursuing further this thought and theme, we would share some observations as to fathers and sons, as to parents an children, and the...
On the teaching and training of children, John Locke said: “For you must take this for a certain truth, that let them have what instructions you will, and ever so learned lectures…daily...
Time passes with exceeding swiftness between the time when we are very young and free and flexible until the time when thoughts and habits and attitudes become somewhat firmly fixed. And since fixed...
“The young, whether they know it or not, live on borrowed property, wrote Sir Richard Livingstone. All of us borrow much from many, from the present and the past, and we are deeply indebted to...
Sometimes when feelings of self-sufficiency seem to assert themselves, when people feel sure that they no longer have need of others, we need to remind ourselves that no man can be sure he will not...
A sentence written some two or more centuries ago is significant in the search for the happiness that all of us so much seek. “If one only wished to be happy,” it says, “this could...
One of the greatest barriers to happiness is ignorance. And this we say despite the old saying that ignorance is bliss. If it is, it is a bliss founded on false foundations. Happiness should be,...
Some centuries ago Nicholas Ling said, “Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune.” And John Lock later added, “A man may live long, and die at last in ignorance of many truths which his...
Shakespeare, in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost, had one of his characters make this remark: “Who understandeth thee not, loves thee not.” We so much need an understanding of each...
These words of dedication come from a grateful author: “To my own mother and father and to all parents like them, who have dedicated their lives to providing their children with the...
There comes a time in the lives of those who live longer, when for one reason or another, they must alter their activities. Things change, and people change, and personnel and procedures change....