In these times we see and hear and feel, almost from moment to moment, the heartbeat of the world and the impact of its problems, and earnestly we need faith and the solid assurance. “Fear of...
Many years ago, a statesman made these remarks in speaking before a learned society: “The truth is that physical courage has always been the most common place of virtues, …so that it has...
The world is complex. Life is complex. There are many demands upon us all, and we find ourselves needing to know more and more about much more, with less to knowing all we need to know. With so many...
In thinking of heroic people one need not necessarily have in mind the heroes of history. One may think of those who quietly, consistently live their lives, carrying their problems, adjusting to...
“Most of us ” said an eminent American, “are living under a strain that human nature never was intended to bear.” All people have problems, and some days no doubt the...
The theme of gratitude need not−should not−be confined to one day, one week. Thanks are always in season, beyond any season that may be set aside. And so we turn to a wider searching of ourselves,...
There is a point of importance in all personal relationships, and that is the how of things as well as the what⎯how things are said and done. Consider, for example, giving advice, which is among the...
Among the greatest needs of mankind is that of communication⎯understanding, getting through to people⎯not just words, but meanings; not just phrases, but spirit; not just speech, but heart. So many...
“If the end of society is to produce the largest number of free human spirits, of generous human hearts, of strong human hands, of pure human homes, of noble human lives,” said an old...
We have heard the sounds of Christmas; we have seen the sights of Christmas, and have felt the feelings of Christmas, and now for a moment may we mention the words of Christmas − words with which it...
Any passing season is somewhat sobering, for in spending time we spend ourselves. It may be difficult at any particular point to see the direction in which we are moving. And often in uncertainty...
“There are times when we have a … feeling of turning over a new leaf, of getting a fresh start,…[with] a more or less definite determination [to be better]…Later [we may] repent of our...
“My father taught me,” said Anne Morrow Lindbergh, “that a bill is like a crying baby and has to be attended to at once.” To a conscientious person, unpaid obligations are...
There is much –quoted phrase from Scripture about being our brother’s keeper. But if it is important to be our brother’s keeper, which we cannot doubt, how very important it must be to...
Public relations, so-called, have come to be important to both individuals and organizations- that is, the impression ⎯ the “image” ⎯ with which we are, in other minds, inseparably...
There is much said concerning Lincoln—yet not too much for so great a subject. He is one of the great, even on the list of now immortal men. As to some of his qualities of character, these were...
Marriage is a subject for all seasons, and we should like to suggest some sentences that apply to marriages in the making as well as to those already made, and would introduce the subject with a...
Love, as often indicated, is not likely to live unless it is sustained by solid substance, by some essential qualities of character, qualities that include courage to face facts, to meet problems,...
A gentle, kindly, open communication is one of the essential qualities for the day-to-day understanding of each other and for explaining many moods and avoiding many hurts. There is sometimes need...
In every successful relationship in life, three things are of particular importance: what we say, how we say it, and what we leave unsaid. And along with what we sometimes wish we had said there is...